Sunday, 22 May 2016

Hack anyones WhatsAPP account (proved trick).

Hacking a person’s WhatsApp is everyone’s wish these days. WhatsApp is one of the most popular social networks.

Image result for whatsapp hack
WhatsApp during its Launch, assured the world that it had  very strong security features thereby rendering it different from other social networks. Its very clear with Whatsapp that there is no any phishing page that can be designed by Hackers to be sent to Whatsapp users so as to get their details. Though fortunately or unfortunately the reverse became true in 2011 that Whatsapp security can easily be hacked by session hijacking and packet analysis.

To access the Victim’s WhatsApp account, there are very many android apps on the google Play store trying to waste your MBs downloading them but unfortunately they are just fake .So, I am gonna deliver to you the  ways on how to spy on anyone's WhatsApp account.

Spoof Mac address : Spoof mac address is one of the leading hacking tricks because it is assured of  working for you with ease In, this tutorial, you need the victim's Android mac address and change your Android device mac address with your friends Android's mac address.

* Mac Address : - The Media access Control (Mac) address is a 12 digit unique character which is assigned to a specific piece of hardware as the WiFi device and Network adapter.Use this TOOL to find the Mac Address

1. First, get your friends Android mobile phone. Go to Settings > About > Mac address. And then note down the mac address.

On Your Android Device

2. Now, Uninstall WhatsApp on your Android Device.

3. Now, Root your Android Mobile. Click here

3. Download and Install Busy Box to your android device as usual. click here

4. There after Download and Install Terminal emulator as usual. click here

5. Then, Launch Terminal Emulator as usual on your Android device.

6. And, then type $su and now press Enter.

7. Now again type $busybox iplink show eth0 and then hit Enter. This will show you mac address for your confirmation.


8. Now again, type the following command,

$ busybox ifconfig eth0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

9. Replace, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX  with you victim's Android mac address which you got  in the first step.

10. Now, you have successfully changed your Android device mac address, You must confirm this by typing the following command, $ busybox iplink show eth0

To Install WhatsApp Account with Victim's phone number

1. Go to Play Store and Install WhatsApp Messenger.

2. Enter the victim's phone number instead yours.

3. Finally WhatsApp will send confirmation message to your friend. Then, once again, get the victim's phone, and then get the confirmation message and enter it into your phone to verify the account and that's all.

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