Thursday, 19 May 2016

What are some interview hacks?

You can use it to get more clients, land more contracts, get a job interview, internship or any type of negotiation.
Enough of this, now let’s jump to the technique.
…you went for an interview.
The interview is for your dream job. So you definitely did a lot of preparation and research.
And so your interview went just fine.
You answered many of their questions and skipped some difficult questions (like everyone else).
And it was turning a good interview overall.
Then something magical happens:
From your briefcase you pull up a 5-10 page document.
This document contains the solution to the current problems of the company and how you’re gonna solve them.
So for example, if you’re a iOS designer going for a job interview for Paytm. You come up with a detailed plan discussing their design problems in their iOS app and then you briefly describe the solution to these problems and exactly how you would solve them.
Do you know what just happened here?
Basically, you used astonishing preparation to get selected or close the deal and when you do this correctly, there’s no holding back.
In fact, imagine it from the interviewer’s point:
He got a detailed document of all the design problems in their iOS app. And for him, it’s “The most compelling document”.
Then, there’s nothing that can hold you from getting that job.
Next time, you get any interview call, do these things:
1) Research about the company, job and the key responsibilities as much as you can. Remember if you can’t research about a job, well you’re not fit for that job.
2) Slave away for hours to find the goals of the company and the possible problems or hinderance.
3) Finally, create a detailed solution for those problems describe exactly how you would solve them.
That’s it!
BTW, It’s know as Briefcase Technique.
UPDATE 1: Many of you guys, asked me what if the company is a big MNC.
For example Google, Amazon or ,let’s say, TCS.
Then, this method won’t work very well. Because these MNCs have got multiple departments and each department has got numerous goals.
Also, it’s very difficult to find problems in their product.
In that case, here’s what I recommend…
Know your job beforehand, research as much as you can for that job and write a tailor-made resume for that job.
For example, if it’s Microsoft and you’re applying for Project Manager.
Then, write a resume for that job, show your experiences, your achievements and all that.
Remember this whole technique is based on your preparation.
More you prepare, more are your chances of getting selected.
It doesn’t matter which company is interviewing you.
Be it a small business, a startup or any MNC.
Now it’s getting funny. Because many people are saying that this technique will get OUTDATED as more and more people will start using it.
Well, I don’t think so.
Because, let’s say, if I’m an email copywriter and I apply for a job of “Website Copywriting”.
Do you really think, I can figure out the problem in their website copy?
No. I can’t.
Because this job doesn’t excite me. And i don’t know a single thing about that.
So don’t worry about this method. It’ll never get outdated.
Funny thing is, most of the people will get excited after reading this technique.
But, a small proportion of them is actually going to take action.
Because it takes real hard work to find potential problems and their solutions.
You need to slave away for hours and weeks.
So only those people will get the job who’re really passionate and who hustle a lot.
If you’re really passionate about the job nobody can stop you. Provide some value and show them you’re the best person to work with.
Here’s how you can do this:
  1. Write a detailed actionable plan for that job. Explain how you can solve their current problems and ask for a minimum time to execute it.
  2. Work for free. I know you got to pay bills, but that’s why you don’t land your dream job. When you work for free you show them your calibre.
If you’ve prepared for that job and you’re really passionate about it. Then guess what?
You will get the job, no matter, what.

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