Tuesday, 24 May 2016

How To Creat an APP through XML.

If you have 5 to 10 minutes keep reading, else JAVA and the Android part encompasses learning XML for the design of the app.
I will keep this answer simple lest filling it with several links. Jotting down hw i started :
  • Took the first step with New Boston videos. Travis made some really cool videos, he made the starting so easy and it stirred me up quite well. But i got bored midway after watching around 25 videos so i thought of venturing beyond those videos.
The link i followed : Download and Install the Java JDK
  • Those 25 videos gave me enough confidence to play around and do some Proof of concepts. Those POCs were a to-do app and a file manager. For quick hold of certain topics i followed this site :
I found the site very simple and to the point. The official Android Guide keeps you right on the track. That’s it, from then on i started exploring more and would google whenever i was stuck. Once you start developing an app Stackoverflow is the one stop solution for any issue. Most of your issues are already discussed, if not you can post it there.
Going further, i became eligible to be a part of the development team of an enterprise syncing application in my office and in my spare time developed one music player app.
Develpment : To put it briefly, these are the steps you may follow.
1. Create a splash screen, which will contain your logo and title.
In your AndroidManifest.xml file make your splash screen activity as Launcher activity.
2. From the splash screen activity you need to call a service where you'll have to query the Android MediaStore.
3. Start an activity where you would show a list of the songs bypopulating a ListView with the obtained Cursor.
4. I have only one activity which am clearing and changing the listview by artists, albums, favourites, etc.You may split these into a few activities or fragments to handle song list.
5. Now you can set on click listener and on long click listener for two different operations, also you can add a button(say) in every list item for a particular option.
6. I have implemented a action option in every list item on clicking of which opens a new activity with detailed menu like send, delete, rename, add to playlist etc. This can also be achieved by implementing action overflow :
7. Now click of a song in the listview should play that song. I start a new now playing activity showing the album art and the basic options like next, previous, pause, equalizer etc.
8. In the now playing activity, on click of equalizer button start Equalizer activity. Here, the presets can be set and the bands & the bass booster can be customized. Make sure you code in such a way that this activity is never killed when a song is playing otherwise you lose the equalizer preset levels and suddenly the audio level would change.
9.Use sharedprefernces wherever you require to save changes even after the application is stopped or device is turned off. I use it to save which equalizer preset was last enabled, if repeat/shuffle was cheecked in, the theme last shown etc.
10.Make you listing activity searchable in the AndroidManifest.xml file and implement searchview in the activity.
Implementing all these steps i developed this music player.
Stackoverflow is a one stop solution whenever you are stuck. Most of your issues are already solved by someone, if not you can post your issue there.
Break your project into parts and start developing. Once a simple player is developed go on adding all the features. Glad to help you out.

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